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Is the world Flat?

By @selbram
    2020-02-21 17:27:33.345Z2023-12-16 15:30:38.118Z

    I heard a rumor that the world flat?

    • 6 replies
    1. P
      Alex Cuthbertson @professorkaos
        2020-03-21 18:39:03.385Z

        Not quite. it's flatoidal, which is a bit more closeley related to 'line', but with the curvyness of 'flat'

        1. B
          In reply toselbram:
          pinyaluk pakonpasupong @bewpyl
            2020-03-23 15:15:13.967Z2023-12-16 15:31:08.722Z

            Hello. This is test

            1. KajMagnus @KajMagnus
                2020-03-23 15:16:09.540Z

                You mean you're testing if the world is flat?

                How do you go about testing that

                1. Bpinyaluk pakonpasupong @bewpyl
                    2020-03-23 15:20:10.764Z

                    are you the real man? haha

                2. J
                  In reply toselbram:
                  Jae Lee @jaequery
                    2020-03-29 20:07:35.409Z

                    so confused

                    1. L
                      In reply toselbram:
                      lallaala @lalalala3211
                        2020-12-20 14:53:06.940Z2023-12-16 15:31:47.600Z
                        * code